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4 Ways to Save Money When Selling Your House in Atlanta

Selling your house in Atlanta is a big decision and one that often comes with a lot of expenses. Between repairs, staging, and real estate commissions, it can be easy to feel like you’re hemorrhaging money. And it can especially feel like a lot if you’re in any sort of financial trouble. You were hoping to make the transaction as affordable and cost-minimal possible. But, fear not! There are ways to save money when selling your house in Atlanta. Keep reading to learn more about some of the great options available to you!

Stage Your House Yourself

Staging is the process of making your house look as appealing as possible to potential buyers. This can involve anything from decluttering to rearranging furniture to adding a fresh coat of paint. Most real estate agents will recommend hiring a professional stager, but this can be expensive. If you’re willing to put in a little elbow grease, you can stage your house yourself and save a lot of money. Start by clearing out any unnecessary clutter and giving everything a deep clean. Then, focus on making each room feel as spacious and inviting as possible. Rearrange furniture to maximize space, and add a few well-placed accessories (like a vase of fresh flowers or a stack of coffee table books) to make everything feel more homey. One real good piece of advice that we learned a long time ago, each room should have something in it that a potential buyer will remember. That can be a built-in bookshelf, an accent wall, a beautiful chandelier that can be obtained cheaply. There are tons of ways to capture someone’s attention without breaking the bank. If this all sounds like something you’d rather not do, than your options would be to hire a professional stager or sell your house as-is, and you can skip this step entirely.

Selling your home by yourself can be stressful and daunting. If this speaks to you, call ATL Cash Home Buyers at 404-439-9984 to obtain information on how we can help you get your home sold fast!

Make Repairs on Your Own

If you’re selling your house in Atlanta, chances are there are a few things that need fixing. From leaky faucets to creaky floorboards, these minor repairs can add up quickly. But instead of hiring a handyman, consider doing the repairs yourself. There are plenty of DIY tutorials online that can walk you through everything from fixing a toilet to replacing a light fixture. Not only will you save money on labor costs, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of knowing you did it yourself. One big thing we see a lot is that a good handful of sellers think they are contractors in another life. If you do not do the work correctly and make it nice and presentable, any home inspector and potential buyer will see that. Ultimately, your time and efforts won’t be recognized and compensated if you don’t do a good job. So be patient and get it done right the first time.

Sell Your House Using An FSBO

FSBO (For Sale By Owner) is a method of selling your house without the help of a real estate agent. While this can be intimidating, it’s also a great way to save money. Real estate commissions can be as high as 6%, which can add up to tens of thousands of dollars on a high-priced home. By selling your house FSBO, you can avoid paying these commissions and keep more money in your pocket. Now, there will be a chance that you will have to pay a buyer’s agent their 3% as they are bringing in the client who is going to purchase your home. Only a small amount of transactions are from seller to buyer without the use of an agent. But, paying out 3% vs 6% in commissions is already putting money back in your pocket.

There are plenty of resources available to help you sell your house FSBO, from online listing services to yard signs to open houses. Home Depot can be a great resource for signs and other marketing material to help sell your home. Having said all of this, it can be a lot of work and typically, FSBO listings sell for less than traditional ones. The main reason being is that the seller is not well-educated on the best processes of how to sell a home and ultimately have no negotiation skills. We are not opposed to using a real estate agent, especially if your home is in good to above good condition. A professional can help you obtain more money. We have a licensed agent on our team and can discuss all your options to see what makes most sense for you.

Selling your home can be a big venture to take on. Reach out if you need help getting your home sold. 404-439-9984

Work With a Direct Buyer When Selling Your House

While selling your house FSBO can save you money, it also requires a lot of work. If you’re looking for a simpler solution, consider working with a direct buyer. Worrying with a direct buyer or investor can be very beneficial, but the process is often overlooked. Direct buyers are companies that buy houses directly from homeowners, often for cash. They typically buy houses as-is, which means you don’t have to worry about repairs or staging. Additionally, there are no costs or fees, which means you’ll save money on commissions. Working with a direct buyer can be a great option if you’re looking to sell your house quickly and without a lot of hassle. It can be a great option to have a professional agent take the reigns with a little bit of a slower process due to finding a more conventional buyer. Either way can be very helpful if taking on selling your home by yourself seems too daunting and stressful.

Selling your house in Atlanta doesn’t have to be a drain on your bank account. By staging your house yourself, doing your own repairs, selling FSBO, or working with a direct buyer, you can save money and still get a great price for your home. ATL Cash Home Buyers can help with the process no matter how you choose to sell. Reach out to our team today if you are thinking about selling your house in Atlanta or the surrounding areas! 404-439-9984

We buy houses for cash in Atlanta, GA
We buy homes for Cash in Atlanta GA. If we can’t buy it, we can get it sold for you. Call today and let us help you!
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