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Selling an Inherited Property in Atlanta? Direct Property Buyers Can Make the Process Easier

For many people, inheriting a property can be a bittersweet experience. While it’s always nice to receive an inheritance, dealing with the loss of a loved one can be a traumatic experience. Handling inherited property can be daunting, especially with multiple heirs or complicated situations. Selling an inherited property in Atlanta can be especially challenging, given the competitive real estate market in the area. Fortunately, there is a solution that can make the process easier: direct property buyers. In this post, we’ll learn more about direct property buyers and how they can help you with your inherited property in Atlanta.

What Are Direct Property Buyers?

Direct property buyers are companies that specialize in buying properties directly from homeowners without involving real estate agents. These companies offer a fast and hassle-free way to sell your inherited property in Atlanta, without the need for repairs, showings, or negotiations. Companies like ATL Cash Home Buyers can streamline the home selling process, providing a simple selling process for your inherited property in Atlanta.

Here are some of the benefits of selling your inherited property to a direct property buyer:

We Buy Houses for Cash in Atlanta
Going through the passing of a loved one can be heavy to say the least. At ATL Cash Home Buyers, we understand and we have worked with many families going through the same situation. It’s delicate and we want to make sure that the process is easy and stressfree so you don’t have to add more to your plate. Contact us today to see how we can help, 404-439-9984

1. A Speedy Process

Selling a property through traditional channels can take months. You need to find a real estate agent, list the property, stage it, and wait for potential buyers to show interest. Then you’ll need to wait for the escrow process and worry about the sale falling through. With direct property buyers, the process can be completed in only a few short days. In most cases, you can receive a cash offer for your property within 24 hours of contacting a direct property buyer. If the home you’ve inherited has issues and seems like it will be more of a headache than a blessing, reach out and we can go over all your options with you. Even if the home you’ve inherited is in pristine condition, we still have licensed REALTORS® on staff that can help guide you to the best solution possible for your given situation.

2. No Cleaning, Repairs, or Renovations Are Required

Inherited properties often require repairs or renovations before they can be put on the market. This can be a costly and time-consuming process for the heirs and can end up complicating the process even further. Direct property buyers purchase properties as-is, regardless of their condition. You don’t need to invest any money or time into fixing up the property before selling it. This alone can save you thousands of dollars. Let’s face it, you might not be in the best situation financially and taking on thousands of dollars of repairs and updates seems daunting. Selling to a professional home buyer can help relieve that stress, both mentally and financially.

3. No Commission or Fees When Selling Your Atlanta House

Real estate agents charge a commission of around 6% of the sale price of the property. This can add up to thousands of dollars, depending on the value of the property. Direct property buyers don’t charge any commission or fees for their services. You receive the full amount of the cash offer and can better prepare as you will know exactly how much you are receiving from day 1. Even more so, your closing costs are minimal, saving you even more money.

Selling to a professional home buyer can relieve a lot of stress. You won’t have to worry about fixing up your home, waiting for a long time to see if it will sell and you won’t have to worry about paying agents. Reach out today to see what options will work best for you! 404-439-9984

4. No Property Showings or Open Houses

Showing an inherited property to potential buyers can be a stressful and time-consuming experience. You need to keep the property clean and tidy and be available to show it at any time. The reason for this is that you never know when a buyer may want to pop in and view the place. This results in a constant need to keep the inherited property tidy appearing. Direct property buyers don’t require any showings or open houses. You receive a cash offer for your inherited property based on its current condition. This way you don’t have to worry about staying on top of cleaning your home and can just sell it as-is.

5. No Negotiations

Negotiating with potential buyers can be a frustrating and time-consuming process. If you go on market and list your home with an agent, you can accept an offer just to have that offer renegotiated during due diligence, the inspection period, if major or minor items come up. Direct property buyers offer a fair and reasonable cash offer for your property without the need for negotiations. After viewing the home, we’ll know exactly what needs to happen. So, the offer we give, is firm and will need no changing or renegotiating. You can accept or reject the offer without any pressure.

Selling your inherited property in Atlanta to a direct property buyer can be a smart and stress-free choice. You receive a fair and reasonable cash offer for your property without the need for repairs, showings, or negotiations. You can complete the process in just a few days without any commission or fees. If you have questions about selling your inherited property in Atlanta, our team is happy to help. If you’re selling an inherited property in Atlanta, reach out to us today to learn more! 404-439-9984

We buy houses for cash in Atlanta, GA
No matter the situation, ATL Cash Home Buyers has seen it and can help you get through it. We understand that people go through rough times or get curveballs thrown their way. We aren’t afraid though and can help you get back to where you want to be. Reach out today to see how we can help, 404-439-9984.
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